How to Type an E with an Accent on a Phone or Computer (2025)

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  • Basic Computer Skills
  • Typing Skills

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All the ways to type accented És on your computer or phone

Written byTravis Boylls

Last Updated: April 24, 2024Fact Checked

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  • Using a Mobile Device
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  • Using the Symbols Panel in Windows
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  • Using Alt Shortcuts on Windows
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  • Using Ctrl Shortcuts on Windows
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  • Using the Accent Menu on Mac
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  • Using Keyboard Shortcuts on Mac
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Do you need to type an é or É in a document, email, or social media post? Accents are added to an "E" to indicate proper pronunciation, used in many different languages including French and Spanish. You can type an E with an accept using keyboard shortcuts on most computers, or your iPhone, iPad, or Android's mobile keyboard. Read on to learn how to type an E with an accent.

Typing an Accented E on Any Device

  • On mobile devices, tap and hold the E on the keyboard and then tap the accented E you want to add to your text.
  • Press the "Windows Key +;" to open the Emoji box. Click the characters tab and click "Latin symbols." Click the accented E you want to add.
  • On Mac, press and hold the E key and then select the accented E you want to add.

Method 1

Method 1 of 6:

Using a Mobile Device

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  1. 1

    Open a text field. Tap a text field in any app that allows you to enter text. This could be your text messages app, email, Facebook, Notes app, or anything else. Tap a field to enter text.

    • This will work with on most mobile keyboard applications, including the default iOS keyboard, Gboard, and the Samsung Keyboard.
  2. 2

    Toggle capitalization on or off. Tap the icon that resembles an arrow pointing up to toggle capitalization on or off. This will determine whether or not you type a lowercase "e" or a capital "E."

    • By default, the first letter of your sentence will be capitalized.


  3. 3

    Press and hold E. This will display a box with a variety of Es with different accents.

  4. 4

    Select the accented "E" you'd like to use. Whether you have a capital letter or not, you'll see a menu with all the accented "E"s you can use.

    • When you slide your finger to one of the choices, you'll see that accented "E" in your text.
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Method 2

Method 2 of 6:

Using the Symbols Panel in Windows

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  1. 1

    Open a text field. This can be any field you enter text, such as a Word document, email, social media post, web browser, or anything.

  2. 2

    Press the Windows key and the Semicolon key at the same time. Pressing Windows key + ; will open the Emoji/Symbol panel window.

  3. 3

    Click the Symbols tab. It has an icon with various symbols at the top of the Emoji/Symbol box.

  4. 4

    Click the Latin symbols tab. It's the fourth tab at the top of the emoji box. This takes you to the Latin symbol selection.

    • You may need to click the right arrow button to scroll through the tabs at the top.
  5. 5

    Click the accented "E" you want to add. You will see a variety of accented letters. Click the capital or lowercase "e" with the proper accent you want to add. This will add it to your text immediately.

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Method 3

Method 3 of 6:

Using Alt Shortcuts on Windows

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  1. 1

    Open a text field. This can be any field you enter text, such as a Word document, email, social media post, web browser, or anything.

    • Some apps may not support accented letters.
  2. 2

    Press and hold a combination of keys: However, if you're using a keyboard without the 0-9 keypad on the right side (some laptops don't have a 10-digit keypad), you'll need to press the "Fn" key and "Num Lock" key. Your number lock will turn on, and the right half of your keyboard should act as the keypad. The number is in small, blue text on the corresponding key. Use the following keyboard shortcuts to type an accent E:

    • To make è, press Alt+0232. Use the 10-digit keypad at the right end of your keyboard to enter the numbers.
    • To make È, press Alt+0200. Use the 10-digit keypad at the right end of your keyboard to enter the numbers.
    • To make é, press Alt+0233. Use the 10-digit keypad at the right end of your keyboard to enter the numbers.
    • To make É, press Alt+0201. Use the 10-digit keypad at the right end of your keyboard to enter the numbers.
    • To make ê, press Alt+0234. Use the 10-digit keypad at the right end of your keyboard to enter the numbers.
    • To make Ê, press Alt+0202. Use the 10-digit keypad at the right end of your keyboard to enter the numbers.
    • To make ë, press Alt+0235. Use the 10-digit keypad at the right end of your keyboard to enter the numbers.
    • To make Ë, press Alt+0203. Use the 10-digit keypad at the right end of your keyboard to enter the numbers.
  3. 3

    Release Alt. You'll see your accented "E" inserted into your document.

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Method 4

Method 4 of 6:

Using Ctrl Shortcuts on Windows

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  1. 1

    Open a word processing app. This works in most word-processing apps, such as Word, Outlook, and Notepad. However, it may not work on other apps, such as social media posts or Messenger.

  2. 2

    Press the correct keyboard shortcuts. You must press the Ctrl combination corresponding to the accent you want to add. Then press the E key to add an accented E. The keyboard shortcuts to type accented Es in most Microsoft programs are as follows:

    • To make è, press Ctrl+` and then press E.
    • To make È, press Ctrl+` and then press Shift+E.
    • To make é, press Ctrl+' and then press E.
    • To make É, press Ctrl+' and then press Shift+E.
    • To make ê, press Ctrl+ Shift+6 and then press E.
    • To make Ê, press Ctrl+ Shift+6 and then press Shift+E.
    • To make ë, press Ctrl+ Shift+";" and then press E.
    • To make Ë, press Ctrl+ Shift+";" and then press Shift+E.
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Method 5

Method 5 of 6:

Using the Accent Menu on Mac

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  1. 1

    Open a text field. This can be any app or program that allows you to enter text. It can be a word processor like Word or Pages, your email, the Messages app, or anything.

    • Not all apps support accented letters.
  2. 2

    Press and hold E. This will display a list of accented letters on the screen.

    • If you want to make a capitalized accented E, press and hold Shift+E instead.
  3. 3

    Click the accented letter E you want to add. This will add the accented E to your text immediately.[1]

    • Alternatively, you can press the number corresponding to the accented E you want to add to your keyboard.
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Method 6

Method 6 of 6:

Using Keyboard Shortcuts on Mac

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  1. 1

    Open a text-processor. You'll need to activate the keyboard to use it; if you open any text-processing program like Word, the keyboard will activate, and you'll be able to see what you're typing on the screen.

  2. 2

    Press the correct keyboard shortcut. This will add the accented E to your text immediately. First, you must press the correct Option key combination corresponding to the accent you want to add. Then press the E key to add an accent to E. The keyboard shortcuts are as follows:[2]

    • To make è, press Option+` and then press E.
    • To make È, press Option+` and then press Shift+E.
    • To make é, press Option+E and then press E.
    • To make É, press Option+E and then press Shift+E.
    • To make ê, press Option+I and then press E.
    • To make Ê, press Option+I and then press Shift+E.
    • To make ë, press Option+U and then press E.
    • To make Ë, press Option+U and then press Shift+E.
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      • If you're using a Mac, you can also use the Character Viewer to insert accents. Press Cmd+Ctrl+Space to pull up the Character Viewer window, then click the small keyboard icon to the right of the search bar in the window that popped up.[3]


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      • In Windows, you can use the Windows Character Map. You can open this quickly by clicking the Start Menu icon (or pressing Win, then clicking the expand arrow next to the "Windows Accessories" folder, and clicking "Character Map" from the list. You can click an accented "e" to insert it into your text.


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      About This Article

      How to Type an E with an Accent on a Phone or Computer (42)

      Written by:

      Travis Boylls

      wikiHow Technology Writer

      This article was co-authored by wikiHow staff writer, Travis Boylls. Travis Boylls is a Technology Writer and Editor for wikiHow. Travis has experience writing technology-related articles, providing software customer service, and in graphic design. He specializes in Windows, macOS, Android, iOS, and Linux platforms. He studied graphic design at Pikes Peak Community College. This article has been viewed 99,798 times.

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      Co-authors: 4

      Updated: April 24, 2024


      Categories: Typing Skills

      Article SummaryX

      1. Open a text field.
      2. Press and hold E.
      3. Select the accented E you'd like to use.

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      How to Type an E with an Accent on a Phone or Computer (2025)


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