J-2 Employment - Office of International Education - Office of Enrollment Management - Carnegie Mellon University (2025)

J-2 dependents are unique in their ability to apply for and receive work authorization in the U.S.

OIE provides general information to the J-2 dependents of Carnegie Mellon J-1 students or scholars with the Employment Authorization Document (EAD) application process and other general work and timing issues.

Complete USCISForm I-765,downloadable from the USCIS website under "Immigration Forms". Complete it as a form-fillable PDF. If the form does not allow for certain characters you can hand write the information in black ink. Remember to write clearly

Part 1: Reason for Applying.

Check box 1a, if this is your first application for J-2 employment authorization.

Part 2: Information About You.

#1a Family Name: Type or write your family/last name in all capital letters.

#1b Given Name: Type or write your given/first name.

#1c Middle Name: Type or write your middle name – if no middle name – leave blank.

#5, 6 U.S. Mailing Address: This must be an address where you can receive mail for at least five months into the future. Governmental mail is not forwarded. If the EAD is sent to an address with a “forwarding order,” or if you cannot receive mail at the address you used on the I-765, then your EAD will be returned to USCIS.

  • To use a friend’s address, put their information for question #5, and then your information in #7.
  • Return Address: Note: If the mailing address you indicate on the I-765 is not located in Pennsylvania, refer to the I-765 instructions(pdf).

#8 and 9 Alien # & USCIS Account: Leave blank if you do not have these numbers or know what they are.

#10: Gender: List Gender as shown in your passport

#11 Marital Status: Enter current marital status

#12 Have you ever before filed an I-765 before:

  • Check yes if you have filed an I-765 Form with USCIS in the past
  • If the above does not apply to you -> then check no.

#13.a Has the SSA ever issued you an SSN: Check yes or no

#13.b If you answered yes to 13a: Then enter your social security number

#14, 15 (If you do not have an SSN) Do you want the SSA to issue you an SSN:

  • If you check no, skip to #18
  • If you check yes, answer questions 15, 16.a to 17.b

#18.a Country of Citizenship or Nationality: Enter your passport’s country – if you have more than one – use the one listed on your DS-2019

#19.a, 19.b, 19c, Place of Birth: Enter your place of city/state/country of birth (if you do not have a state/province, then leave it blank

#20 Date of Birth: Remember to write this in the U.S. date style format (mm/dd/yyyy)!

#21.a I-94 Number: You can find this on the I-94 Website

#21.b Passport Number: Enter your most recent passport number

#21.c Travel Document: Enter visa sticker number from visa in your passport if any

#21.e Passport Expiration Date: Enter most recent passport expiration date (mm/dd/yyyy)

#22 Date of the last arrival in the U.S.: Check the POE (Point of Entry) Stamp in your passport. Do not check the I-94 “Travel History Page.”

#23 Place of your last arrival in the U.S.: Check the POE (Point of Entry) Stamp in your passport. Do not check the I-94 “Travel History Page.”

#24 Status of last entry: “J-2 Dependent”

#25 Current Immigration Status: “J-2 Dependent”

#26 Current SEVIS Number: Find this on your DS-2019 immigration document

#27 Eligibility Categories: (c)(5)

  • Skip questions #28 through #31.b

Part 3: Applicant’s Statement

#1.a to 2 Applicant’s Statement: Check as it applied to you

#3, #4, #5 Contact Information: Enter a U.S. phone number and a personal email address

  • Skip Parts 4, 5, & 6, unless they apply to you.
  • Certification: Sign and date the I-765 in dark blue ink. Sign within the box – do not go outside the box.
  • Include all seven pages of the I-765 and mail the application to the appropriate USCIS lockbox location.

If the EAD card expires before the end date on the DS-2019 or if the J-1/J-2 receive DS-2019 extensions the J-2 may submit another I-765 application to USCIS to request an additional period of work authorization. The J-2 would follow the same procedures as outlined in this handout to apply and once approved will receive a new EAD card.

A pending application for extension of stay or a pending application for a new EAD does not authorize continued work permission. Therefore, if the J-2 plans to apply for renewal of the EAD, the application must be filed well in advance of the expiration date on the card (at least 3 months in advance). When the J-2 has the new EAD, they must update Form I-9 with their J-2 employer. Questions about extending the DS-2019 should be directed to an OIE advisor.

J-2 Employment - Office of International Education - Office of Enrollment Management - Carnegie Mellon University (2025)


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Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

Address: 2004 Kling Rapid, New Destiny, MT 64658-2367

Phone: +512425013758

Job: National Farming Director

Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.